

Paying Tuition Fee and Related Fees (Student ID is required)

1. Before logging into the system please read carefully the note below.

Note: In the system, there are 3 payment methods as follows:

Method 1: Paying via Electronic Payment Apps (Alipay, WeChat Pay, Line Pay, TrueMoney Wallet). There will be a bank service charge of approximately 3%. 

After completed, please send the paying evidence to e-mail: [email protected] (undergraduate) or [email protected] (graduate) by stating “Payment” on e-mail subject and including the following information below:

1) Full Name

2) Student ID (if any)

3) Faculty/Field of Study (Major)

4) Passport Number

Method 2: Paying via QR code scanning, please scan the QR code via a Thai bank application and pay with the amount specified.

Method 3: Paying via Credit/Debit Cards (VISA, Master Card, JCB, QRCS) (There will be an approximate 3% bank service charge.)

After completed, please send the paying evidence to e-mail: [email protected] (undergraduate) or [email protected] (graduate) by stating “Payment” on e-mail subject and including the following information below:

1) Full Name

2) Student ID (if any)

3) Faculty/Field of Study (Major)

4) Passport Number

2. Access to by logging in with your student ID and clicking on Tuition tab.
3. Students can check the paying status via by logging in with student ID.

Paying Admission Fee

Paying Pre-Sessional Courses Fee

For more information, please contact us via e-mail: [email protected] (undergraduate) or [email protected] (graduate).
