New Machine Invented for Producing Imitation Rice from Various Flours

New Machine Invented for Producing Imitation Rice from Various Flours

MSU researchers have created a rice grain molding machine that mimics various types of starch ingredients as a health food alternative to rice consumption. The machine allows for the inclusion of various beneficial substances suitable for health-conscious individuals who wish to control their starch and sugar intake. By mixing ideal ratios, the process creates a product that resembles rice grains. This invention was developed by Asst.Prof. Nattapol Poomsa-Ad and Asst.Prof. Lamul Wiset, from the Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University.

Background of the Research Titled “Imitated Rice Forming Machine from Various Flours”

Nowadays, we often encounter a variety of health products for consumption aimed at improving living standards and health. It is evident that many consumers are seeking the best options for themselves. This has led to the invention of a machine for forming rice grain imitations from various flour mixtures. Currently, there is an effort to mix different types of flour to create health foods as a substitute for rice consumption. Examples include mixing konjac flour, rice flour, and tapioca flour, then molding the mixture into products that resemble rice grains. This is so that consumers do not feel a difference from consuming actual rice and it can be cooked using the same conventional methods.

Process for Producing Imitation Rice Grains

The important steps in producing imitation rice grains from various flour mixtures are mixing the flour, molding the grains, then drying. To ensure that the properties of the flour remain unchanged and all nutrients are retained the machine shapes imitation rice grains without a need for heat. Approximately 2 kilograms of imitation rice can be produced per hour with a yield of 93% (weight of good complete grains to weight of initial starting flour). The appearance, texture and characteristics of the final grains are very similar to that of real rice.

Differences Between Imitation Rice and Regular Rice

Customizability of the formula for imitation rice enables us to increase or decreases which nutrients are present in the final product. This results in a product that contains more nutrients than regular rice. The aim is for the imitation rice to provide the same taste and texture as regular rice when consumed, but with enhanced nutritional value.

What’s next?

The development direction for the machine for forming imitation rice grains will focus on increasing its production capacity. Currently, the machine has a low production rate, which is insufficient to meet demand. We aim to enhance the machine’s functionality to make it more suitable, given the wide variety of flours available today, and potentially make it more appealing to health foods companies.

Message to New Researchers

For new researchers, working on research that can be applied in real life will bring excitement to work. There will always be challenges to solve, but knowing that there are people waiting to use and see the success of your research will motivate you even more.


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