An Interview with an MSU Student from the UK on his Fascination with Thai Culture

From England to Thailand, Jonathan Philip James Potts, or Jonny, is a passionate student dedicated to studying the Thai language. He is enrolled in the Thai language program in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Mahasarakham University. Not only does he love learning to pursue his goal of obtaining a second bachelor’s degree, but he also enjoys and is fascinated by Thai culture, which he experiences daily.

Introducing myself

Hi, my name is Jonathan Philip James Potts, nickname is Jonny, and I am a student at MSU studying Thai as a foreign language. I am from a small town not far from Liverpool in the UK. In the UK I studied and worked as a mechanical engineer for 6 years before opening my own coffee shop and restaurant. But I always wanted to move abroad, this dream is what brought me to Thailand in January 2023.

Opening up a world of learning and experiencing the challenges it brings

I prefer rural regions over the busy city life of Bangkok. My interest in both Thai and English languages led me to select a Thai language program. I aim to immerse myself in the cultural richness of northeastern Thailand while studying here. This university offers a fantastic chance to explore a different aspect of Thailand, distinct from Bangkok or Chiang Mai.

From first impressions of Thai culture to deciding to study Thai language at MSU

I quickly realized how much I love Thailand and is. After living in Thailand for around 4 months I had already decided that I wanted to make Thailand my home. This is when I decided that I wanted to immerse myself in Thai culture to the highest degree, and I believe the best way to do this is through the language. This is why I decided to study Thai as a foreign language at the faculty of humanities and social science. As I was living in Maha Sarakham at the time, and after hearing good things from my friends, Mahasarakham University was the clear choice.

England to Thailand: The cultural similarities that make adapting easy

I actually found it very easy to adjust to Thai culture, I think that British and Thai culture have many similarities which made it easy for me to integrate with Thai society. But of course, there were a few things that were a little bit of a shock to me and did take me some time to adjust to. Some of these things include, using a bidet, the driving style and of course the heat of summer.

Studying various techniques from YouTube to enhance learning efficiency

I actually follow many of the tips of one of my favorite youtubers who talks extensively about how to study effectively. Some of my favorite tips include active engagement with material, utilizing techniques such as active recall, spaced repetition, and chunking to enhance learning and retention. Leveraging tools like Anki for flashcards aids in long-term memorization, while deep work sessions maximize productivity. Active learning methods, including teaching others and applying knowledge. But I think the most important tip for effective study is to take care of your body and health, including your mental health. Do this by prioritizing sleep, exercise and healthy eating.

MSU Homeroom: Opening doors to new opportunities for success for students

When I first began studying, the main issue I faced was making friends and finding other activities to do outside of studying. Luckily, I met the homeroom who were the organizers of the pre study Thai course I needed to take before the term started. The homeroom is a student empowerment group that gives many opportunities to any students no matter their background. After I met the homeroom, everything changed for me, the homeroom gave me so many opportunities to develop myself and my skills, as well as the opportunities to meet many new people and make many new friends. Activities including camps, sports days and lots of other fun activities.

Turn Worry into Preparation: A Guide to Self-Development for the Future

I want to be very honest about how I think about my future, because my life has changed so much in the last 8 years. This has taught me something, no matter how much you worry about the future, you cannot change it. But what you can do is your best in this moment to best set yourself up for whatever challenges or successes you will face in the future. I think many students worry excessively about what they will do in the future and I believe this is counterproductive to students  success. So right now, I do not look or worry too far into the future, I have many ideas and dreams of what I want to do, but at this moment I like to concentrate and do my best in this moment and develop myself to better set myself up for the future.

Impressions of Mahasarakham University

My impression of Mahasarakham University is overwhelmingly positive, yet I recognize that like any institution, there are areas that could benefit from improvement. While the university excels in fostering a supportive community and providing diverse opportunities for growth, there may be room for enhancements in certain facilities or resources to further enhance the overall student experience. Despite these areas for improvement, my overall experience at Mahasarakham University has been highly rewarding, and I appreciate the ongoing commitment to academic excellence and student success.

Travel Diary: The Story of Jonny and Atid’s Love for Travel and Learning Thai Culture on YouTube

I have many interests and hobbies such as badminton, learning guitar and studying Thai in my own time. However, the hobby I dedicate most of my time to is Travel and recording these travel and cultural experiences on my YouTube channel. My friend Atid who is also a foreign student here at MSU and I, set up a YouTube channel together to record our travel and cultural experiences here in Thailand. I believe that it is interesting for Thai people to see how foreigners see Thai culture from a different cultural perspective. Our channel is called Jonny และ Atid  if you want to check it out. Thank you.

Original Thai article:

Jonny & Atid’s YouTube channel:

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